The natural and right way to lose and keep it off.
New Information is becoming available, and new protocols with it. Check back soon!
It’s a great name for a great protocol, no?
For the full video companion to this writeup, please watch it on my Facebook page here.
It took me a while to figure all this out but it works — this is a pretty solid approach but is not easy nor inexpensive.
First, you must prepare yourself mentally. It takes time to really make changes in your body. This is assuming you’re older (late 40s to late 50s?), out of shape, tired all the time, and have 30-120 pounds to lose.
If you’re past 50 you are probably menopausal so that must be dealt with properly and carefully. Read my book on Progesterone and book an appointment with me to get started.
Although it is not necessary for all, especially if we are dealing with just vitamin deficiencies, you may need to come see me in person to work through some prescriptions. Maybe even more than once. Otherwise, telemed over Zoom and phone calls works great.
You also will be allowed NO vitamin deficiencies to start this protocol — you must be healthy. It is imperative to nail your intracellular deficiencies before you begin to lose weight as your body goes into a deficit. If you’re already in deficit, it only gets worse. Feed your body first with what it needs, then you can shed the excess.
And yes we are developing exercise and nutrition programs that will come later. They are designed to be very doable and personalized and age and ability ranges will be seriously considered.
So let me lay it out the first steps:
Basic labs — CMP, CBC, Urinalysis, Hemoglobin A1C, Lipid Profile.
Additional labs you need to start: CMA with Redox (Intracellular Micronutrient Assay), Pro7 (if they have anxiety) , Foundation Methylation (no anxiety), EKG.
Hormone labs — TSH, FT3, FT4, Free & Total Testosterone, DHEA-SO4, Pregnenolone, and in addition for Women — Estradiol, Progesterone, and HCG. You can order these and basic labs from Direct Labs if needed.
Detailed History and if necessary Mammogram (or Ultrasound), Colonoscopy records, results or actual test if you haven’t.
List of prescribed medicines.
List of supplements you take.
This information will be critical in designing out the next steps of your program.
Watch Jackson’s Video here about his weight loss journey and look for his post coming soon. This takes time, but the only way to sustainable weight loss is lifestyle change, and long term consistency.
Good Nutrition In, and then, GREAT Wellness Out.
Then we start digging in (most of my patients are currently doing most of this)
Optimize your vitamins and get that straightened out. Take care of those intracellular deficiencies.
Next optimize your hormones — this might take a few months.
HMB supplement - 4,000 mg/day to help reduce hunger/cravings and help build muscle and recover
Then start a simple exercise program — pick an exercise and do it — walking on treadmill, or pushups, pull-ups, chin-ups, swimming, riding a stationary bike — you’re only allowed to do 1 or one minute a day to begin with. And maybe 3-5 or 3-5 minutes a day the second and third week, and so forth. Start low, go slow, remember? This is something you can do and should do forever — so no rush. Maybe you need to exercise every other day (I did) or 4 days a week and eventually six days a week — I believe you need one day a week to recover. Consistency is key in the long run. Remember, we are changing your body and building good habits.
Then you start avoiding carbs and baked goods.
Next you start on a PALEO diet — meat (you choose) and vegetables and some fruit.
You’ll need to start intermittent fasting — first no eating after bedtime (8 hours) — no night grazing. Drink water and go back to bed.
Then every week you prolong the night time fasting 15 minutes each week. So after 8 weeks you have added two more hours (10 hours total). At 12 weeks you are at 12 hours of intermittent fasting. Not really that hard. Successful patients have gotten down to one meal a day. If it is easier for you, just do the 8pm-12pm fast right from the start.
You need to GO TO BED HUNGRY every night. And remember that good rest is always important to good health.
If needed and you want then you can start you on semaglutide injections weekly — start at a very low dose but if your weight plateaus we increase it to the next amount — and so forth. For 6 months only.
Weigh weekly. Use the same scale.
Semaglutide does have possible side effects — Nausea, Diarrhea, Stomach (abdominal) pain, Vomiting, Bloating — most of these can be avoided by eating small lower fat and lower sugar meals. Rarer side effects include increased risk of medullary thyroid cancer (only seen in rats in the study) — if you have a history or family history of this we should discuss this.
Read this website in detail before starting: https://www.ozempic.com/how-to-take/side-effects.html
My team will have someone on call (usually me) for texting or emergencies (though go to the ER if it is a severe emergency).
We’ve yet to determine the costs as we try to ascertain interest. A 6 month commitment to testing, appointments, supplementing, dieting, and exercising will be necessary to make the long term changes for success.
The following is an excerpt from Jackson Larkin, he leads our companies, about his journey and how he handled all this to lose over 150 pounds:
“My problem for many years is that I could not be active consistently. Due to fibromyalgia and MTHFR, my genetic condition gave me a lot of muscle pain from copper toxicity, and with chronic pain I was unable to work out as often as I wanted. My back always hurt. I would try and walk here and there, but then it took days for my muscles to feel normal and I’d lose motivation to work out again.
With Copper Balance, VARS Glutathione and the initial ideas of a Low Copper Diet, I finally was able to start getting a handle on my pain. Enough so that I started walking daily, only 20 minutes a day to start, but I was doing it consistently. I began to get my other vitamin deficiencies under control and I started to feel great!
After some time I implemented an intermittent fast, low gluten, low carb, and high protein diet and at this point, weight started shedding off. Using HMB was critical for this as well to balance appetite and increase muscle recovery.
Then SERUM X was ready. Getting a full handle on my muscle recovery with the help of SOD in the SERUM X was the game changer I had been waiting for. For the first time in my life I started weight lifting 6-7 times a week on top of my daily 4+ mile walks. In years past this would all be completely impossible, but now, with time and all these tools, I’m more fit and stronger than I have ever been. And I’m just getting started!”
From September 2017 to November 2022
Do you recognize the goober on the right?
Once Jackson got a handle on his genetics and deficiencies, he was then able to dig into weight loss and muscle growth. Treat the root causes, then focus on what you really want to do. This is how you build long term success.
The road to success is not overnight, but it is possible.
As we learn more, we expect some of these protocols to adjust and adapt, but the base remains the same. Good Nutrition In Equals Good Wellness Out!
One important note. Jackson did not use semaglutide for his weight loss! He followed all the steps listed out here and did it naturally, the long way. He has much higher chances of keeping the weight off as he’s developed a much healthier lifestyle that he can follow and adapt all the rest of his life! This is the real goal, wellness and quality of life, for your whole life.
For those that qualify and want a jump start on weight loss, semaglutide may be an option. But my goal is to get you looking and feeling great for the long run. Not just follow a fad weight loss craze.
If you’re already following The Purser Method
For more information on semaglutide, reach out to my practice at 801-796-7667 or info@danpursermd.com and visit: https://www.ozempic.com/how-to-take/side-effects.html