Pain Management - Solutions and Therapies
What is causing your pains and what can you do to help them?
Pain is unique to each person; pain threshold, sensation, duration, but at some point in everyone’s life, significant pain is experienced.
What is the root cause of your pains? Where does it actually come from, and is there anything you can do about it?
Through many years of work and experience with treating pain, we’re here to discuss the pain caused by genetics and how you can manage it successfully with protocols from The Purser Method®.
Fibromyalgia is classified as widespread muscle pain and soreness throughout the body that leads to fatigue, anxiety, IBS and many more symptoms. But what is the root cause of Fibromyalgia and the pain it causes?
Following The Purser Method® and protocols for Fibromyalgia, it’s important to take a look at intracellular copper and zinc levels and compare them to blood serum levels. All fibromyalgia patients that we’ve treated have high, almost toxic, levels of copper in their blood, but there is a severe copper deficiency within the cells themselves.
So why is fibromyalgia so heavily affected by copper? Well, a few of the main uses of copper in our bodies are to: help make red blood cells, protect nerve cells, promote a healthy immune system, promote iron uptake and so much more. Again, blood serum levels will show that your copper levels are “normal” or even high, but inside your cells, where it’s actually used, levels are devastatingly low.
This leads to a kind of copper toxicity where copper molecules build up around the body in key nerve points causing the widespread muscle soreness and pain that is all too familiar to those living with fibromyalgia. This also affects the gut and absorption of other nutrients causing more deficiencies that lead to more symptoms. It’s a terrible merry-go-round that you wish to exit but cannot.
Through the Purser Protocol for Fibromyalgia, the first step is to decrease the amount of copper intake in your diet. We call this, the Low Copper Diet and you can learn all about this on the Facebook group End Fibromyalgia with Natural Options. Thousands of success cases of fibromyalgia symptom reversal have been demonstrated through the amazing people in this group. From bedridden to being able to exercise again, this transformation can occur quickly for some people but give yourself time to properly detox. You should give yourself around 2-4 weeks to allow your body to properly dispose of all the built up copper out of your body.
To put it simply, avoid foods high in copper and stop supplementing with copper.
This is just the first step. Copper will always be critical for your body to survive, so incorporating copper properly, based on your genetics, is key to managing fibromyalgia symptoms and getting back to living life.
The genes behind dysfunctional metallothioneins. What are metallothioneins? They are specialized proteins that regulate and remove heavy metals in the body. One specific function they have is to move unbound copper into cells. This is where the intracellular copper deficiencies come from.
Certain gene errors passed down from one generation to the next cause particular proteins to be malformed and less functional, even dysfunctional. BUT, there are ways to improve the functionality of these special proteins. The next step is to start supplementing with key amino acids and minerals which will make these proteins function correctly.
The next step is utilizing Copper Balance, a supplement blend of zinc, molybdenum, boron, and B6 to turn dysfunctional metallothioneins into functional proteins. Now these fully functional metallothioneins are equipped to break down and collect the copper that has built up around the body. Drastic improvements can be felt rapidly, but again, things can take time.
The last step to improve the toxic effects of the copper build ups is to utilize the best detox substance in our body, reduced glutathione. And the best fully functional glutathione is VARS Glutathione from Physician Designed. Glutathione is the master antioxidant molecule in our body, and metallothioneins use glutathione to scavenge for molecules. Increasing reduced glutathione is the next best way to support dysfunctional metallothioneins.
Reduce copper intake in diet and supplements
Utilize a blend of amino acids and minerals to turn dysfunctional metallothioneins into functional ones
Increase reduced glutathione to support detoxification and oxidative stress
Now that we have the underlying cause of fibromyalgia pain under control, what do you do to heal the gut?
Your whole life you’ve suffered with IBS, never able to properly process all the “good” and “healthy” superfoods. You’ve done what your doctor has asked, eating many leafy greens, avocados, nuts, seeds, and staying away from excess red meat. Doing all this, you still feel like your gut is always killing you. What can be done?
Well, even if you ate all the superfoods in the world 24/7, you never would have had the reaction your doctor was wanting. This is because most superfoods are very high in copper. They are full of excellent nutrients, but for someone that cannot properly process copper, these foods are toxic to them, at least until they have their copper toxicity under control.
A low copper diet will always be the first step. You can reintroduce these superfoods back into your diet in low quantities over time. It’s very difficult to give up guacamole forever!
One of the major genetic disorders that we see connected to many gut absorption issues is MTHFR. You can learn much more about MTHFR in Dan Purser MD’s book, The 85% Solution. Dr. Purser has educated about MTHFR for many years and has plenty of videos and other information to get you started. The key point to understand about MTHFR is that someone with this genetic disorder cannot properly absorb and process B Vitamins that affect methylation processes all over the body.
Understanding what your gut is capable of digesting and absorbing is one of the next steps to well-being and optimal living. Again, through The Purser Method®, take a look at your genetics and intracellular vitamin and mineral levels to get a clear picture of how well your gut is performing currently.
Once you identify the vitamins and minerals that your cells are craving, and acknowledge which VERSIONS of those vitamins you can handle with your genetics, supplement with the correct ones and live your life. Muscles will heal more quickly, mental acuity sharpens, consistent energy levels throughout the day, and a strong constitution are all attainable.
Pre and probiotics are also critical for healing the gut to allow for maximum and optimal absorption of the food you eat and supplements you take.
Good gut health is a lifelong pursuit, but is well worth it to provide adequate nutrition to every cell of your body, especially to maintain good brain health.
Narcotics and opioids, addictive and harmful, are another alternative for many people. We think it is always best to steer clear from this path as best you can.
CBD, THC, and Cannabis are a new and natural alternative to pain pills, but due to several factors this is not a great option for many people either. One important note is that humans do have cannabinoid receptors and an endocannabinoid system, but like we’ve discussed with genes, some people have dysfunctional receptors and proteins and are unable to process any cannabinoid at all. Not a great option.
That’s where AO Biologix does something a little different with Serum X, a new pain relief gel. The base of the product is lidocaine, a topical anesthetic that fills the receptors in the pain pathways of the skin. Serum X has a very minimal dose of lidocaine, so no numbing sensation occurs even with multiple applications, just pain dissipation. The other side to Serum X is the incredible antioxidant SOD or superoxide dismutase, to fight cellular oxidative damage right in the areas that it is applied. SOD has been studied and utilized in scientific literature and in cosmetics for many decades, but has never been applied with the use of an anesthetic like lidocaine. Together, there is an amazing synergistic effect!
Now that we are addressing the root causes of fibromyalgia pain, all my pain is gone for good, right?!
Unfortunately that is not exactly true. Injuries will always be a possibility, required medical procedures may cause pain post procedures, and life always finds one way or another to cause some damage.
What are the current options for daily pain management?
Pain pills such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen are the go-to for most households as they offer “quick and cheap relief” but at what cost? Both of these can be terribly damaging to the kidneys and the liver, especially if you are genetically predisposed for liver and kidney issues.
SOD provides frontline defense against oxidative damage, the most important antioxidant enzyme in our cells. Every cycle of cellular energy production produces dangerous superoxide molecules that damage DNA and proteins. Fortunately, SOD is able to quench those radical molecules.
As we age, we lose the ability to create sufficient SOD and thus we are more susceptible to damage from these free radical superoxides. Throughout our life we are bombarded with toxins, UV light, and other free radical producing substances. Our skin is the first barrier to intercept and fight off these bad agents. Sustained levels of oxidative stress, that is why our skin ages so rapidly,
This is where SOD and other antioxidants are critical for healthy and optimal aging.
In one study utilizing Serum X for Interstitial Cystitis pain and symptom relief, 100% of participants had relief compared to placebo, and on average 2 out of 3 found improvement in symptoms and pain caused by the disease! IC is a terribly painful swollen bladder disease, usually an end result of untreated fibromyalgia.
Serum X was designed to be the ultimate pain relief product. No smell when you use it and with very fast relief for many pains. Our customers and patients have tried it on all kinds of pains throughout the body. Hands, wrists, neck, upper and lower back, knees, legs, feet and toes all with great effect.
They’ve even used it as a cosmetic serum for the incredible anti-aging benefits of SOD.
The founder of the End Fibromyalgia with Natural Options page, Lois Schweigert has said that using Serum X was the last tool in the arsenal needed to fully manage the pains of her fibromyalgia. There is good evidence behind this as well, as SOD exists in every cell of the body, fights oxidative stress and inflammation in each of those cells. As copper levels begin to normalize, SOD is there to fight the free radicals of aging cells, bringing new life to senescent cells.
One case study even showed an increase in intracellular SOD levels with the use of Serum X over 90 days.
Now that we have multiple tools at our disposal to manage the life-long pains caused by our genes, and the remedies for daily pain relief, are you ready to take the steps into ultimate well-being?
Start today so that you can fully live tomorrow. With the proper tools and guidance, life can be amazing again.
Dan Purser MD
I used Serum X on a bad steam burn on my finger. I also used some EOs. My nerves endings were so painful! I kept reapplying as well as using ice water in a bag. Remarkably my finger no longer stung in the morning and has healed with hardly any scarring. I think the SOD part really did some strong support with the healing!