Intracellular Vitamin Deficiency Treatment Notes
If you've had a CMA test, this post is for you.
The following list is meant as a tip guide for those starting new supplements after receiving a CMA intracellular micronutrient assay. Get a jump start on your health going into 2023 with a CMA test ordered through my site.
As of 12.20.22
It takes 100 days at least to change these numbers. It takes that long to accurately show changes to these deficiencies inside your cells.
Start at the TOP (most severe deficiency) with 1 supplement per 1-3 days not all at once.
Then add the next supplement each day or every other day. (Top of the list refers to the supplement guide shown below).
Do not take Calcium and D3 at the same time, take D3 in the morning & calcium in afternoon especially with elderly.
Start with smaller doses for older patients.
Take vitamins with food and LOTS of water.
Improvement usually starts quickly (first 2-3 weeks) and keeps ramping up.
Watch for problems with a vitamin – heartburn, diarrhea etc. If this is the case, hold off on taking it, contact us, or get replacement.
From first starting new supplements, the halfway mark is 10 weeks – must follow up with my practice after that.
If hormones are low at start, and not menopausal, they should improve. Good nutrition in equals good hormones out.
Be patient. Improvement will come – QOL (quality of life), mood, energy, etc.
Iron deficiency takes 120 days to treat (due to red blood cell life cycle). If you still have periods, take 1-2/week until menopause.
Afterwards take all these 2-3/week for 3-4 more months – so this does not return.
These deficiencies are almost all caused by your genetics not your diet.
Vitamins that could become toxic list:
MK4, MK7, B12, Boron, Chromium, Iodine, Iron, B9, D (D3), K1, Manganese, Selenium, Strontium, Vanadium, Zinc (if concerned about these, check serum levels every 3 months – use Direct Labs on my site to check)
Vitamin K, MK4 (K2), MK7 (K2):
can cause excessive bleeding if on blood thinners. DO NOT TAKE if on blood thinners
Lavender cannot be absorbed through skin or aerosol. It must be done in drops under the tongue or in a capsule. At least 8 drops/day.
Glutamine can cause anxiety -- stop it if you start to feel it.
Lutein and Zeaxanthin:
these pair well together to prevent macular degeneration and many other eye problems
Pyrroloquinoline (PQQ) deficiency affects memory, sometimes severely — if this is low, take 3/day to begin with and after a month 2/day forever.
IF needed, please get re-tested at 100-150 days. Otherwise every 6 months to yearly is advisable.
The Anti-Oxidant page (usually Pg 3-6) is opposite to the first page — “Highly Protective” means really DEFICIENT!
I only treat the “medical” deficiencies on this page — and a few super fruits.
IF you want to treat all of them look for treatment options on Amazon.